Scott-Broadwood – An overview of our curriculum
At Scott-Broadwood we make sure that every child has the best start on their schooling journey. Our curriculum is based on our core values, through which we deliver a broad, balanced and rich curriculum. We are proud of our rural, village location and seek to ensure the children are meaningfully connected to the environment by ensuring that lessons happen outdoors as frequently as possible. We make meaningful links within the curriculum to the rich natural resources on our doorstep to promote learning. We want all children to be inspired and to develop a love for learning, which prepares them for their next stage in education.
Our curriculum:
- Encourages our learners to be curious, ask probing questions and be brave in finding solutions.
- Is relevant and child-centred. We teach what is important to our children and to our community.
- Is responsive. We are adaptive, inclusive and nurturing to ensure our children have a safe space to learn, in the best way for them.
- Is progressive and varied. We ensure that we build upon skills previously taught and that the children enjoy learning a wide-range of knowledge.
- Allows the children to take risks and encourages independence. We are passionate about helping the children to develop excellent behaviour for learning.
- Is driven by high-quality texts. We strive to give our children access to fantastic book choices to enjoy reading, use as a stimulus for writing and explore in other areas of the curriculum.
- Enacts the core Christian values of our school ‘love, believe, achieve,’ which encourage kindness and develops a sense of social responsibility and awareness.
How is the curriculum taught at Scott-Broadwood?
Scott-Broadwood's curriculum follows the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Our intention is to create a culture of enquiry, curiosity and challenge that runs through our whole curriculum. Our school is developing a local, bespoke version of the Curious-city™ framework which supports our teachers to create contextually relevant, enquiry-led experiences. This enquiry-led approach is enabling Scott-Broadwood to create a bespoke, locally focused curriculum for our learners that goes beyond the current National Curriculum.
Subjects taught discretely:
Subjects woven throughout enquiries:
English (The Write Stuff)
Religious Education (Guildford Diocese Syllabus)
Computing (Teach Computing)
PSHE/SMSC/Wellbeing ( through the Story project)
Physical Education
Where appropriate, links are made, but more often than not, they are stand-alone experiences.
Art and Design
Design and Technology
In a nutshell, enquiry-led learning provokes learners with key questions too big to answer in one go, but not so conceptually large that they cannot understand. Thex purpose is to guide learners through a scaffolded process, answering the big question with a piece of writing for example, performance or animation. Cognitive development, emotional literacy and language immersion underpin the Curious City approach (Lighting up Learning). We recognise that children's awareness of the world develops as they mature and that this has a significant impact on their ability to learn. Our job is to help learners make sense of the world, not just expose them to it.
The seven themes
We aim to foster and develop positive attitudes to learning. We also encourage our pupils to apply behaviours which make them effective learners. Our Christian values further enhance this approach.
We are committed to providing a wide range of opportunities both in and outside the classroom.
Links within our curriculum to the local environment and community strengthen the children’s understanding across their learning.
To find out how this is delivered through each subject, have a look at the curriculum intent, implementation and impact for each subject.
How is the impact of our curriculum measured?
Scott-Broadwood uses a range of monitoring throughout the year to gauge the effectiveness of what we teach. Senior Leaders and Subject Leaders monitor each subject: reviewing learning, asking pupils for their opinion, providing individual feedback to children, celebrating the children’s success. The impact of our curriculum is reviewed termly, and progress is measured against end of year outcomes for individual pupils and for the year group.