The DfE publish Statutory Policies for Schools and Academy Trusts with details of the policies and documents that must be in place. It is the responsibility of our Trust to ensure that these are in place. We take the following approach:
- Trust Policies – these are policies which the Trustee Directors approve and all schools within the Trust must follow these. Sometimes a highlight may be applied where localisation of names or contact details etc may still be required. There is no formal adoption by the school as the policy has been set by the Trust Board and may have involved consultation with third parties, such as the employment unions or follow a model personalised to the Trust context e.g., from the Local Safeguarding Children's Partnership. The Good Shepherd Trust policies that apply to all employees and schools are available here.
- Trust Policies requiring personalisation – These policies are where the Trust sets the direction, but the policy requires a degree of personalisation around individual practice and procedures within the individual schools. The Trust will advise the schools that the policy has been reviewed and request the personalisation is undertaken by the school leadership. These policies are:
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024
Health and Safety Policy (RAAC)
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
Tackling Radicalisation and Extremism
Charging and Remissions Policy
- School Policies – these are policies which are based on individual school's practice. These will be written by school leadership. Some statutory policies must be approved by the local committee. They are Behaviour, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Relationships, Health and Sex Education and Accessibility Statement. The local committee will also be responsible for monitoring the impact of these policies. Schools decide how to publish these policies (SharePoint, website, etc.). The following are available here and for a full list of school policies, please contact the school office on info@sbinfant.uk or 01306 711 181.
Accessibility Statement and Action Plan 2022-2025
Scott-Broadwood Admissions Policy 2024-25
Scott-Broadwood Admissions Policy 2025-26
Supplementary Information Form
Scott-Broadwood Schools Financial Benchmarking Page
Please click here for the Trust complaints policy and process.
Each school within the Trust has an ‘Academy Complaints Procedure’ which must be followed for complaints relating to the school. That local policy sets out the procedure to be followed and facilitated by the Head teacher and Local Committee for all complaints relating to our school.
Single Equalities
Please click here for our Single Equalities Policy, Objectives and Action Plan.
Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Please click here for our Trust's statement and its links to other policies.
Data Protection & Privacy Policy
Please click here for the Trust's Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notices.
Whistleblowing (Protected Disclosures)
A culture of openness and accountability is essential in order to prevent situations occurring or to address them if they do occur. Please click here for the Trust's policy on whistleblowing.