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We currently have spaces in all our classes and welcome new pupils at any time of year. 

We know that choosing a school is a big decision for any parent and that the process of school admissions can be confusing. We hope that the information provided below outlines some of the basic details and helps to make the process of transition as smooth and seamless as possible for you.  We are here to help you as much as we can. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask to speak to our Admissions Officer, Clare Haines.

To arrange a tour or an informal chat with our Headteacher, please call 01306 711181 or email info@sbinfant.uk

Our arrangements for school admissions are determined by The Good Shepherd Trust but please speak to the school office to register your interest too. Further information on this process can be found here.

Reception Admissions September 2025

Please read our Admissions Policy here.

You should receive an information leaflet from your child's current preschool in the autumn term prior to your child’s admission to school.  If you do not receive one, you can contact Surrey County Council Admissions on 0300 200 1004.

Admissions Booklets for all Surrey Schools can be found here.

The Local Authority prefer parents to apply online and you can do so by following this link.  If you have any queries, or require a paper form, please call 0300 200 1004.

All applications must be made to the Local Authority directly.  Guidance on completing the application form can be found here.

There is a useful booklet called 'Get Ready for School' which is produced by Surrey County Council and contains lots of useful information.

In-Year Admissions

If you wish for your child to join the Scott-Broadwood family outside of the normal admissions round, you should apply to the Local Authority directly.

Apply for an in year school place - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)

Parish Maps

Parish of Capel & Ockley

Parish of Coldharbour

Admission Appeals

Information on your right and how to appeal a declined admissions application, can be found here.

Appeals resulting from in year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

Appellants will be given at least 10 clear school days’ notice of the appeal hearing date.

Appellants will be sent a copy of the school’s case 7 clear working days in advance of the hearing.

If an appellant wishes to submit further evidence which was not included with their initial appeal, it must be received no later than 5pm on the day preceding 3 clear working days before the appeal hearing date.

The Appeal Panel must decide whether any additional evidence or information received after this date may be considered, taking into account its significance and the effect of a possible need to adjourn the hearing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are places allocated?

You should refer to our school's admissions policy for details of how places are allocated.  You should complete the Surrey County Council parental preference form either online or on paper by the published deadline.  The Council will then allocate places according to the arrangements described in the school's admissions policy.

When do I hear about school places?

Surrey County Council will send out offer letters.

What happens next?

Guidance on the admissions process can be found here.

Once you have accepted the school place you have been offered, your chosen school will contact you with all the induction arrangements.